Psalms 19 is a very interesting chapter when it comes to the topic of astronomy, astrology and cosmology.Our key focus is not in all the verses but a few verses that we will redact scientifically thus interpret the chapter via a scientific lens.(we belong to the school of thought that religion is at one with science in the sense that both viewpoints seek truth which is knowledge which is reality ).
Verse 2 says : Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge
This means that every night we obtain knowledge or science . This is quite true . Thanks to the numerous telescopes in outer space and observatories on earth the night sky is constantly displaying scientific principles which we call knowledge . The whole inter galactic world is an x-y-z grid with numerous dimensions that keep on enriching science daily as scientists study stars and planets and strange movements that take place in the night sky.
This is in line with the story of Jesus birth where the men of the East were called wise men . This is because astrology, astronomy and cosmology were all considered wisdom hence knowledge hence science . Thus the wise men that visited Jesus were our modern day NASA scientists lol .
Anyway the point is , most of the Bible's understanding of the universe was taken from a geocentric point of view because they lacked machines and vehicles to transport them to the heavens aka galaxies .
But today we have vehicles that transport humans not only to stars but galaxies and planets thus destroying the one sided geocentric point of view .This is because we can observe galaxies from Mars , from Venus and other planets by setting up observatories in those planets to give us a Martian point of view or a Venetian point of view which can be called martiancentric or venucentric points of view , alongside the ultimtae heliocentric point of view .
Thus the presence of tools and vehicles refines science and this is why religion is subject to scientific writ because it possesses proper tools for obtaining knowledge which is truth which is science.
Verse 5 and 6 bring out the geocentric concept of the earth's rotation around the sun.
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
So we see in the two verses the psalmist's geocentric aka earth's view point or understanding of what causes day and night. To him , it is the movement of the sun that causes day and night and not necessarily rotation.
But science has proved that it is not the movement of the sun that causes day and night nor heat and no heat but the rotation of the earth on its own axis .
Rotation principle is one of the most powerful principles in science that divided the church from the scientists . Yet it was an opportunity for the church to eat humble pie baked by Galileo himself and submit to scientists for their excellent observations and move on with them.
Why move on with scientists ? Because both camps are looking for truth , presumably.
God's word is deemed truth and knowledge is truth and science is knowledge thus God's word is scientific truth.
And the night sky daily conveys knowledge about the nature of stars and galaxies and planets .
21st Century Polymath
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